Hello! I'm Amit Raj, a web developer from Veliyam, Kerala.

Welcome to my little corner on the Internet!

I started my career building websites with Python/Django, jinja templates and jQuery. Then came the time of single-page applications (SPAs) in web development and I picked up ReactJS. While working with React was fun at times, it was easy to shoot oneself in the foot with complex state management, debugging unnecessary re-renders, slow inital load times and reliance on too many 3rd party libraries. Skill issue? Possibly Yes.

Complexity has become the norm in mainstream frontend libraries/frameworks, rather than the exception. (Common sesnse?). However, there are other micro-frameworks like AlpineJS with much less complexity that can be a great alternative in certain projects. But, right now, I am interested in another piece of software called HTMX, which is a JS library to write hypermedia oriented applications.

Anywho, despite all the frontend talk, I am still mostly a backend developer who enjoys writing Go applications.

linux(i3+tmux+nvim) == Peace & love

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